“It is one of the most beautiful compensations of life, that no man can sincerely try to help another without helping himself.”
Camp Kum-Ba-Yah Nature Center has always run on the generosity of those who volunteer to make this program successful.
We have volunteer needs year round. We have lots of indoor and outdoor work, garden help, trail clearing, social media, marketing and database management and much more we could use a hand with. If you would like to come out and take a tour and talk with us about volunteering opportunities please give us a call or email to set up a time convenient for you.
There are so many ways you can help!
Serve Outside!
Volunteering at camp means working outside during the most beautiful times of year! There are opportunities for groups to do trail maintenance and grounds work, garden management, garden education programs, and Boyscout Eagle Scout projects. With a small staff any and all volunteers make a huge difference. Thank you to all past present and future volunteers!
47 acres of campgrounds
Quarter Acre Garden, Sensory Garden, and Pollinator Garden
Grounds and Maintenance work
Service and Eagle Scout Projects
Benefits: Although there are innumerable benefits to serving with us in the camp environment, we also offer discounts through our membership programs on facility rentals and summer camp. Discount level depends on level of service and is not guaranteed. We also offer educator trainings for our education volunteers.
Serve Creatively!
Are you an expert in your field, or bursting with creative talent and energy? There are also opportunities to advice and collaborate on programmatic material at camp. We are constantly evaluating our educational objectives, programs, and physical space. Come contribute to the future of Camp Kum-Ba-Yah Nature Center!
Donate your expertise!
Environmental Education school field trips
Program Development and Enhancement
Serve an Organization!
Is working outside not your thing, but organization is? There are opportunities to learn about the inner workings of a small non-profit for those interested and qualified.
Communication & Marketing
Fundraising & Grant Research
Program Research & Evaluation
Serve with Children!
The main demographic we work with are community children aged Pre-K through Elementary with some middle and high school. We depend on dedicated volunteer educators in the fall & spring seasons to help with our field education programs. Volunteering your time as an educator is wonderful experience for novice or aspiring teachers, great practice for outdoor professionals, and healthy exercise for retirees. Programs are generally half of a day (9am-12pm or 10am-1pm) and you get to interact with teachers, students, parents, and other educators. Anyone who wants to work with children at Camp Kum-Ba-Yah Nature Center is required to have a background check on record at camp.
Learn to educate with hands-on experience
All levels welcome
Short time commitment with powerful impact (low time commitment for high value return)