A Nature Explore Space
A place to connect children’s hearts, minds and bodies to nature through playful exploration in the woods.
KinderWoods is a two acre section of open woods for unstructured, hands-on nature play. Within the perimeter of KinderWoods children, ages eight and younger, will find design elements that incorporate nature in ways that support children’s natural interests. The space is designed for child-led play that will foster opportunities for children to value their role as caretakers of nature, experience natural consequences, learn problem solving and discover childhood joy.
What is Child-led Play?
It is letting children explore in their own way, to learn and to grow. Each child follows their own play patterns coded in their body and developing brain, whether they are deeply engrossed in their own world or when interacting and playing with other children. This type of play is extremely beneficial. It is a requirement for developing human beings to unfold as designed.
As adults and guardians of these young 'learning sponges', it is our job to follow their lead, to support them when required or requested, and to watch and wait as they discover, invent and explore.
Feeling safe is paramount for optimum learning. Each child has their own “readiness-meter” and it keeps them safe and comfortable to learn. Have patience as each child evaluates a new situation before engaging. Allow each child as much time as it takes for them to feel comfortable to engage in play.
For more guidelines on child-led nature play: http://www.nature-play.co.uk/child-led-play.html
What You Will Discover:
Bone Yard Digging Pit—Imagination
Den Building—Physical Play and Imagination
Balance Logs—Coordination and Agility
Mud Kitchen–Sensory Play
Willow Tunnel–Connection and Immersion in Natural Materials
Children will:
Find choice and control in their play
Practice problem solving
Collaborate with others
Use their imagination to pretend endless themes
Practice Responsibility
Connect to natural elements and environments
We encourage a donation to help support the maintenance of KinderWoods
Suggested donation: $5.00/ car
Keepers of the Woods Members- no donation necessary
Summer Hours:
Monday - Friday from 5:00 PM - dusk
Open to the public - donation encouraged
Saturday 8:00 AM - Dusk
Sunday 12:00 PM - Dusk
School Year:
Open to the public 7 days a week from 9am-Dusk - donation encouraged
*For a 2 hour visit we charge $5 per child (up to 40 children). Staff will be on-site to greet you, answer any questions, and provide access to the bathrooms. Homeschool groups should schedule with the office as a school program.
Contact Gage McAngus programs@ckby.org to schedule your visit.
We ask that you sign in each time you visit KinderWoods. When signing in you are assuming risk and helping us capture usage information. This is important as we seek grants and donor support for KinderWoods. Thank you.
Parents and guardians please open and always close gates behind you
Please sign in each time you arrive to KinderWoods
Please pick up after yourselves. Trash cans are available at this kiosk and at the shelter
Take the opportunity to teach responsibility and ask children to hang the shovels when finished with play. In the mud kitchen, we ask that you return the mud to the box, wash dishes and stack upside down so as to not collect standing water
A bathroom can be found by exiting the gate near the kiosk and following the fenceline to the left
Special Events in KinderWoods:
KinderWoods is a fantastic choice for a special event. Please contact the office to confirm reservation dates. Reservations will reserve the shelter for your party’s use, and a staff member will be on site to prepare for and check in with your party as needed. The remainder of KinderWoods will be open for access to other guests.
Events Reservation fees:
$50 per hour
Keepers of the Woods receive a discount based on their giving level
*Special events are defined as a gathering of 8 or more non-related children.