We are working on developing a menu of programs, and welcome your input! What SOL’s do you have difficulty teaching in the classroom? What would you love your students to learn about while exploring the woods? Our programs are created with Virginia Foundation Blocks and Standards of Learning in mind. We can design environmental education and adventure course programs for you.
For example, this is a program we designed for a second grade class.
SOL’s covered: 2.1 a, d, e; 2.4 a, b; 2.5 a, b; 2.8 b
Life in the Water: students will explore the stream and learn about insect life cycles using models and -hopefully- some live macroinvertebrates
Trees: students will learn about plant life cycles (using nuts and seeds) and learn to identify some common trees
What's That Habitat?: students will explore the woods to learn about animal habitats, what animals need to survive, design their own habitat using natural materials, and play a game
We're All Connected: students will learn about how we're all connected by assuming the identity of plants/animals while playing outdoor games
See our Programs Overview page for fees.
programs@ckby.org for more information.